"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Friday, July 25, 2008


Thank you Ivyleagueconservatives.com for showing this video on your site.

OH and don't forget to play with Carrie today for her Foto Finish Fiesta.



By RYAN J. FOLEY, Associated Press Writer Fri Jul 25, 5:07 PM ET
MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin Democrats on Friday ousted a delegate to their national convention for saying she would vote for Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain in November.

Embarrassed by a defection in their ranks, the Wisconsin Democratic Party's administrative committee voted 23-0 to strip Debra Bartoshevich of her status as a delegate to the Denver convention next month.

Bartoshevich was elected by party activists as a pledged delegate for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton from the 1st Congressional District in southeastern Wisconsin. But after Clinton dropped out of the race, Bartoshevich told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel she would support McCain over Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.

The June comments from Bartoshevich, a 41-year-old nurse and mother of two from Waterford, were seized on by the McCain campaign as evidence of his appeal to former Clinton backers. Within hours, the Wisconsin Democratic Party passed a resolution at its state convention supporting a challenge of her credentials with the national committee.

The party's rules and bylaws committee said the state party could decide the matter, clearing the way for Friday's vote. Committee members agreed Bartoshevich had lost her privilege to be one of the state's 92 Democratic delegates because of her comments and affiliation with "Citizens for McCain," a branch of his campaign designed to recruit independents and Democrats.

During a teleconference before the vote, Bartoshevich asked the committee to allow her to attend the convention as a delegate for Clinton. She noted that she donated her time and money to Clinton and still believes the former first lady is the best candidate.

She said she made the comments backing McCain during an emotional time shortly after Clinton dropped out of the race and as a first-time delegate was unfamiliar with party rules. She said she had not decided who to ultimately support and was still open to backing Obama if he won her over. "I'd like to go to the convention and listen," she said.

She said her sister was a McCain supporter who signed her up for "Citizens for McCain."
"You reached right back and hugged them. I have a problem with that," committee member Dottie LeClaire responded.

The committee accepted a challenge that stated Bartoshevich violated rules requiring delegates to support the party's nominee and be faithful to the party. Bartoshevich will be replaced by Marilyn Nemeth of Racine, who finished second to Bartoshevich in the delegate election earlier this year.


Outnumbered2to1 said...

Thanks for posting this.

Rhonda said...

I have to say that I'm not a fan of ANY politician. Ours here just gave themselves a 34% raise! Pee-ons like us struggle to live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada, along with the highest taxed, and we get 2%?? What gives?

I hope I live to see an actual, real-life politician who gives a shit about anything and supports the needs of the people who got him/her where they are.

Sorry. Did I over share? lol

Da Old Man said...

I wish the video ran the text a little slower. Made a lot of good points.
A year ago, I thought Hillary was the worst possible choice the Democrats could come up with. I was wrong.
By the way, the very next time I hear about Bush's failures in New Orleans, I'm gonna hurl.
Did you know the state legislature of Louisiana (heavily Democratic)voted to double and triple their pay? Yeah, let me throw some more money in that direction.

A New Yorker said...

Outnumbered- Thank you for listening. Hope you pass it on!

Rhonda - You did not over share in the least bit. It was very open and honest and fair and I respect that.

D.O.M.- You can use the slider to go back and forth. I had to :-)
I couldn't agree with you more. I was in FL when all that was happening with the hurricane and I told my mother as it was going on, that people were going to cry about racism no matter what we see, good or bad. GUESS WHAT?

A New Yorker said...

Jess, honestly I am too! Very much so. This is worse than 1984. This man wants to be emperor of the world. He wants to silence all dissent. This is not typical "all polititians lie" stuff. This is far far worse.

Bryan said...

* Sigh. I'd think you'd be excited for a change. As I do seem to recall a recent administration who:

1 - fired federal prosecutors who were deemed to not to be following the goals of the political goals of his party.

2 - lied or selectively released information to shade public opinion to support a war.

3 - released the name of an undercover CIA agent as retribution for her husband's Op Ed piece in the NYT.

Sadly, more examples can be cited.

A New Yorker said...

Bryan Bryan Bryan, There will be a change, but not the kind of change that you are speaking about. If that kind of change happens, well then I fear for what will never be again. Obama's change is code word for revolution. I like my country. I like the constitution. I like how things work. I don't like every policy or law. But I like how things work...and they do work.

Now let's go point for point to your specifics: they were fired for not doing their jobs. They didn't want to prosecute all cases they were supposed to. They were biased.


The information President Bush and Colin Powell spoke to us about came from foreign sources, namely all the dignitaries that Obama just went for his photo ops with around the globe. If he lied, they lied to his administration and therefore to the United States.

3- Yes I believe that happened and I also believe that is the politics as usual stuff people always complain about and happens every administration in one way or another and YES it is wrong and should not happen and we should speak out about it!