Last night I logged onto my online dating profile and made myself 5 years younger. Low and behold look what shows in MY MATCHES: 41, 39, 42 and 38. To be fair ONE of these men did ask for women closer to his age and I talked with him many months ago. We just weren't a good match for each other.

Next I opened up the window to show who has been looking at my profile now that I am suddenly 5 years younger:


He will go with a SMOKER and doesn't care if the person is divorced, separated or widowed but not a woman over 35. Now to be somewhat fair he is 34, but he does list 35. And if you are thinking it is because these are manufactured age ranges you have to choose from, think again.
Amongst other things that I learned about "Super Jew" in our one and half hour date, he strongly feels that it is very important to have shared values for a lifelong mate to the point that simply really enjoying dating a women and finding her fun and attractive is not enough to make him want to take it to the next level. OH REALLY NOW. So a non-smoker will date a smoker as long as she is under's that for shared values. LIAR!
This man told me he has a girl "friend" whom he is going to go on a trip to Africa with, but they are "just friends". And although he would love to hook up with her (oh yes he told me this) he knows they would not be a good match in the long run because they don't share values. OK I ask what is it exactly since he told me he loves spending time with her and thinks she is hot. Well, she has time see if he calls her on a Monday for plans for Wednesday, she has told him it isn't enough time in advance to ask her for plans.
28-36 age range
Now here's a guy that looked at me sometime since I made myself 31. He is 38 YET this asshole wants to date women 25-35. He won't even consider dating someone 36-38. 35 is the OLDEST he will consider, YET he will date someone who smokes.
So basically a smoker is more desireable than I am simply because I am over 35 And this is not a young guy mind you. He is OLDER THAN I AM!
Stay tuned as I am going to write my thoughts about the actual coffee date I had today with "Super Jew".
Boy it's like applying for a job or something..what happened to good old romance type stuff..the excitement of discovery and the chase..???
OMG - that's funny but not! Try being 45 and chubby! I admire your ability to stick to it though...I gave up a long time ago.
And Robert - you're so out of touch with dating reality! Where's a gal to meet a guy? It's almost impossible unless you treat it as a job search.
Okay, you proved a point.
By continuing this subterfuge, what kind of men are you going to attract?
Probably not the right ones.
You seem to take issue with the men who sent mixed messages in their profile and your first meeting. A man would have to be thinking with the other head if he's to forgive this fib.
Elliot: Your comment is so off and proves so many of my points about men that my fellow single women experience every day.
I haven't said anything about mens' mixed messages in their profiles. I have been showing how straight-forward, with clear cut evidence that MOST men even of my age only want to date a younger woman.
And to accuse me by the screename I have chosen to be attracting men that only want sex, and somehow sending my own mixed message is another point I see you prove for me.
So by your very own statement I suppose that any woman that flirts with you is also telling you she wants to have sex with you?
So by your very own statement I suppose that a woman who dresses in a tight fitting dress is "looking for sex or worse"?
Men, get a clue. You are responsible for your own thoughts and actions. I won't own yours and I don't expect you to own mine.
Elliot your comment is similar to "Super Jew" who is living in the past and can't get past the idea that a woman who vomited in front of him in college from binge drinking along side of him could now be a mommy.
So basically you want ME to take responsibility for playing YOUR game by "promoting my profile" with the standards men set, LOOKS, as sending mixed messages? Ludicrous!
Elliot, many of my single female friends exeperience this same situation as I do, over and over and over. They don't have profile names such as mine.
Nice try!
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