Olga The Traveling Bra thinks my Blog is Fabulous! Thanks. Sure is nice after some of the nastier things I've been called lately when I started to post current events and pro-Israel posts. But I digress.
Now according to the "rules" attached to this award
I'm 'supposed to list 5 things I'm addicted to...
So here goes:
- Telling my opinions and sharing FACTS on Israel.
- My computer and reading and posting on the Internet.
- For 13 years I was addicted to having my nails silk wrapped. For frugality purposes I have stopped but I HATE the way they look and feel and I am tempted to forgo food for my nails.
- Falling asleep to the television.
- My career.
I noticed that this award was passed on to a hanful of others. And so I'll also pass this one one as it's simple and fun.
I'm passing this award onto the following fantastic bloggers:
and last but not least
I thought about your blog this weekend. I passed by a hateful anti Israel sign in front of a house in front of Interstate 44 near Strafford, MO. I am considering a blog about it. I would have taken a picture if I had my camera. It really saddens me how stupid Americans have become towards Israel.
Clay, thanks for letting us know this. I have people asking me what the sign said. Can you tell us?
I was on my way to a funeral, so I had other things on my mind. I will take pictures of it tomorrow and post it on my blog later this week. It amazed me. It was damn hateful though.
I went to look at those signs on my lunch break. Something tells me they were vandalized, since they were gone. I am going to call the owner and see if he will talk to me about the signs. I found his information on ZABA. If it produces anything, I will include it in my blog.
Conrats to you! And thanks a ton. You are so sweet! :)
Awww, aren't you sweet! Thank you! I'm just getting back into the blog swing of things since the honeymoon and mountains of paperwork at the office. What a nice surprise!
Congrats to you and thanks!
Dudette! sorry I'm so slow on this response, but many thanks for passing along the award to on the crazy couch! You know I heart you! :)
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