"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Your Personality Quiz Answers

Thanks to all the players of the first weekly personality test/quiz. WOOT WOOT!

The title of the quiz you took was....drum roll PULEASE...........................................................................................................................................................................................

Are you a Cognitive Personality?

Diana Banana, Aleta, and Rhonda all fall into the same category:

It is doubtful that you are primarly cognitive. It appears that you may have a number of emotional traits instead. Don't worry. As I have pointed out, most of us are a mixture of different personality types. Besides, you are probably having more fun than the strongly cognitive folks. Unfortunately, I don't think you will win the Nobel Prize in physics -- though you have an excellent opportunity with literature. Of course, predictions about any specific person or personality type are pure conjecture. As human beings, we each refuse to fit neatly into one particular theory or mold. Who knows? You may win both prizes!

Speedcat, Mum-me, Joe, Chris, Jessica, Babs and I fell neetly into the same category. I scored an 11! HOLY CRAPOLI!

A lot of you asked if you were weird, if you won etc......I dunno? Does scoring in the same category as me qualify as a loss or win? LOL

It appears that you may exbibit a healthy balance of cognitive and affective traits. You may choose almost any career opportunity for yourself or any personality type for your significant other. Your manner of thinking behaving, and reacting to your environment will be remarkably robust and successful. You may be pleased to know that Aristotle agrees with me:"...virtues are friendliness, the mean between flattery or obsequiousness and quarrelsomeness; truthfulness, the mean between boastfulness and self-deprecation and wit, the mean with regard to humor and amusement" (The Ethics of Artistotle.) Of course, when he speaks of the mean, Aristotle refers to the average, in the middle of two extremes, which is where you so comfortably fit. Well done!

And special thanks to Speedcat Hollydale who now made me want a frickin' White Castle Burger at midnight...for which I will NOT venture out for!

Don't forget to check out each other's blogs. Mum-me is a really fun lady from down under and I'm thrilled to have her as a new friend and reader. She sticks with me even though I post so much about American politics. :)

Joe, well currently he writes about reusable toilet wipe your ass napkins...NO folks I am NOT making it up!

Aleta is the resident WRIT OOOOOR! Descriptive and eloquent and in love.

Rhonda is our bookie...not THAT kind of bookie you dirty rats! She loves to read and blogs about her books and gives a lot of them away. She's a sweet heart and then some!

Diana Banana or Lady Banana to the rest of yas, is all over the place, kind of like me, but not like me. HAHA! We share the same short stature, big boobs, short waist and moodiness ;) She's my long lost sister over the pond.

Jessica ponders thoughtfully, but lately isn't talking very much due to a serious dental experiment. :)

Babs writes the most incredible stories from her life and is one wickedly talented artEEEEEEEEEst!
And Chris, who is a complete newbie to my blog and I hope she'll stay even with my potty mouth, LOUD opinions against Obama and pro- Israel blogging that I am very focused on lately, writes about her family and kids. She's from WV...please show her some blog love too!

Speedcat you owe me my burger!!! Damnit!


Chris said...

I think it qualifies as a win! Thanks for doing such a fun post! :)

swilek said...

is it too late to do the quiz?

Babs-beetle said...

I was nervous about posting my results but I'm happy with the outcome :O) That was an interesting post. Thanks.

A New Yorker said...

@swile67 - you are with the first group...next week you can play again. Tuesdays!!! :)

A New Yorker said...

@ladybanana well we are in good company ;)

Speedcat Hollydale said...

ummm .... SO - If I took you to White Castle would you love me forever???


Looks like Mum-me, Joe, Chris, Jessica, Babs, and "ME" are all geeeniousses. I knew it ;-)

Jessica said...

I won, I won!! :)

Now I want a burger too! :P