"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Monday, October 20, 2008

Who Is Deroy Murdock? Women LISTEN UP!

Women who are voting for Obama because they think he supports more of their positions LISTEN UP AND UNCLOG YOUR EARS. You are being used and lied to!

Who is Deroy Murdock and why should you listen to him?

  • Georgetown University
  • degree in government
  • contributor to Economic Stategy
  • participated in seven national conventions for both democrats and republicans
  • focuses on fiscal issues and writes on foreign policy
  • senior fellow at Atlas Economic Research Foundation
  • championed for medical savings accounts

He has recently written about the inconsistancies in Obama's stated position on fairness of payrate for women and men.

While Obama makes huge claims that "Now is the time for equal pay for equal work" his own office pays women ONLY 83 cents for every dollar a man in the same position makes.

LegiStorm posts the salaries of Capital Hill staffers. Obama’s 28 male staffers divided among themselves total payroll expenditures of $1,523,120. Obama’s average male employee earned $54,397.Obama’s 30 female employees split $1,354,580 among themselves, or $45,152, on average.

Obama has five high paid advisors. ONLY ONE OF THEM IS A WOMAN.

McCain’s 17 male staffers split $916,914, thus averaging $53,936.

His 25 female employees divided $1,396,958 and averaged $55,878.

On average, women in McCain’s office make $1.04 for every dollar a man makes.

A typical female staffer could earn 21 cents more per dollar paid to a male counterpart — earning $10,726 more to her annual income simply by quiting Barack Obama’s office and working for John McCain.

Out of McCain's five top paid advisor's THREE are women. Of 20 of his highest salaried staffers 13 ARE WOMEN.

(For a detailed analysis of these figures, click here.)

Deroy Murdock is a syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a contributing editor at National Review Online. Mr. Murdock has shared his views with the public since he won a 1979 city-wide contest for editorial writing as a student journalist in his hometown of Los Angeles. While a junior at Georgetown University, from which he graduated with a degree in government in 1986, Mr. Murdock began writing political commentary for the Washington Times. Since then, the list of publications to which he regularly contributes his column, "This Opinion Just In...," and other articles, has grown to include the New York Post, the Orange County Register, the Dallas Morning News, the Boston Herald, Insight and many more. Most of his recent columns are available at NationalReview.com.

Deroy Murdock is a contributor to Economic Strategy and National Security (Westview Press/Council on Foreign Relations, 2000), The Race Card: White Guilt, Black Resentment and the Assault on Truth and Justice (Forum, 1997), Black and Right: The Bold New Voice of Black Conservatives in America (Praeger, 1997) and The Third Generation: Young Conservatives Look to the Future (Regnery-Gateway, 1987). Since 1980, he has participated in seven national conventions of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Mr. Murdock also served on the 1980 and 1984 Reagan for President campaigns and worked for Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) before earning an MBA from New York University in 1989. He was a communications consultant to Steve Forbes's 2000 presidential campaign.

Mr. Murdock focuses much of his attention on fiscal matters. He has exposed government waste, decried spiraling taxes and otherwise turned a harsh light on the ever-expanding state. Mr. Murdock also comments on political corruption, global economics, electoral politics and race relations, among other issues. His article on an embattled North Carolina charter school won a 1998 Benjamin Fine Award for Outstanding Education Reporting.

In addition, Mr. Murdock has written on foreign affairs. He has reported from such far-flung datelines as Buenos Aires, Havana, Johannesburg, Moscow, San Salvador and Shanghai.

As a senior fellow at the Fairfax, Viriginia-based Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Mr. Murdock has lectured on economics and politics in Bogota and Budapest, among other venues, and advises free-market think tanks in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Asia. He regularly addresses college audiences as a faculty member at Institute for Humane Studies seminars.

Mr. Murdock is a co-founder and national board member of Third Millennium, a New York-based educational and political advocacy group launched by concerned Americans born after 1960. In this capacity, he has advocated market-based reform of Social Security before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and championed medical savings accounts and other generationally-equitable public policies in numerous media and speaking forums. He is on the National Advisory Board of Project 21, an organization dedicated to promoting free-market solutions within America's black communities. Mr. Murdock also is a Media Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and a member of the National Conference of Editorial Writers, the Cato Institute's Advisory Board on Social Security Privatization, the American-Swiss Foundation, the American Council on Germany and the Council on Foreign Relations.


Chat Blanc said...

YAY for McCain women!!

Da Old Man said...

Why do you keep complicating the issues by introducing facts?

McCain is evil, the Obamassiah is perfect in every way. Just ask anyone who has drunk from the punch bowl of Fairness Flavored Kool Aid.

A New Yorker said...

Chatty, yeah for any smart women!

D.O.M., ...AH because I have a brain and I a not a BOT! :-)
re your second statement: I guess cocaine will do that to them.