OK almost wordless Wednesday...
If you ever wanted to know what your dog does when you leave him in the car...
OK almost wordless Wednesday...
If you ever wanted to know what your dog does when you leave him in the car...
If you are not free to choose wrongly and irresponsibly, you are not free at all - Jacob Hornberger
A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. Gandhi
I KNEW IT !!!!!!!!!
I don't want to know what he's doing... lol
Home James....lol
Ha ha! As the song says "Who let the dogs out?"
I'd let him drive me around; can be much worse than most drivers! ;)
I love sneaking up on the car when Trooper is in it. He will somehow manage to fit his huge body into the driver's seat and curl up ... I bet someone looking down and into my seat wonders "WTH?" hee hee hee
@speedcat- good to see you today.
@dani c- :)
@beetle - or in. :)
@chatty - um where you been driving, cause I want to stay away!
@castrocreations -- which was pretty much what I was thinking when I saw this and snapped the photo. LOL
CUTE! :)
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