Can someone PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE explain to me why so many men from my past are coming back and looking to connect with me over the past few months?
It started with Ex-boyfriends...as if that weren't bad enough. Now through Linked-In I got a request from a former employee of mine from 10 years ago whom I had to fire, that caused a lot of trouble for me and my department, to "connect".
Of course I ignored the request. But there was the email from Linked-In sitting in my email box with that turd's name staring me in the face.
It's like a virtual graveyard of Ex-men.
I think they are all lacking the same important part of the brain that would otherwise tell a normal person that what they are doing is not proper or wished for by the other person.
I can't disagree with the whole lacking a part of their brain thing. But it's probably because they realized your hot shit and totally regret acting like a bunch of asses.
@dani - well of course I am hot shit! LOL. Hmmm, maybe you're on to something. Maybe all the dating and other experience made them realize just how great I am compared to the crazy user women they met. HAHA! LOSERS.
Haha! You are so right--they are realizing how awesome you are!! :)
the beauty of it is you now get to slam the door in their faces! woot! you go girl! :)
@jessica- LOL
@chatty- you're so right. every cloud DOES have a silver lining. :)
It's because of which brain they are using to do their thinking!! LOL
@matt-I'm going to take that as a compliment ;)
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