I finally have some shape and bounce back to my hair. One of the guys I work with said it's very sassy. LOL
Now if I could only stop scowling when I know my photo is being taken. I don't know why I can't smile naturally, but I just cannot. Oh well. At least my hair looks great! :)
Very nice!
Got a nice 'summer' cut there. It'll help you keep your cool when Obama makes you want to blow your top.
Oh, yeah, one of the tricks to getting a good smile in a pic is to have the photographer, or other person, tell you jokes or something until you forgot the camera is there, then a chance for a good shot will appear (the photographer can also keep the camera off you, but near, for a bit to help this).
Oh I love it !!!
I wish I had half the hair you have...mine is so thin it's pathetic..But great choice and you look gorgeous !!!
Go with the Sinead O'Connor look next time. Easier to fix in the morning, too.
@mum-me -THANK YOU!!
@Diana Banana - it's so scary how much you and I are alike!!!
@NotStyro - normally a good idea. This was my hair stylist who had other people waiting. I had to just let it go. :)
@dani c- :) thanks...I have a post I'd like to write but guest on your blog for some obvious reasons. Can we talk?
@D.O.M. - You have no idea how close I was to that for years. Very short hair. Not anymore. But thanks for the idea.
I loves it! hot hottieness! :)
It's a lovely haircut :O) I hate my photo being taken and usually pull an awful face!
@chatty - hot? Are we talking about my flashes again. LOL
@babs- thanks. Yeah I dunno why it's so hard for me but it is. I look tired in that photo.
It's so great, but where is the red? Am I missing it?
Great haircut! If only I had that type of hair. My hair is very curly. Like Jessica I'm wondering where is the red...
LOVE it!!!
The scowl is kind of sultry ;-)
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