"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yes It Is I That Is Mean/Offensive...Not The People I expose!

Hat Tip James T.


Mum-me said...

Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. Videos take so long to load on my computer (our gov't is talking about trying to do something about our woeful broadband system) that I rarely get a chance to watch. Hope you're taking care of yourself ....

A New Yorker said...

Mum-me, sorry to learn that. You see your very simple comment is the exact reason I don't want MY government in MY healthcare in anyway. It's weird to read that your government is involved in your broadband. Here that is all privately companies and they compete. If you don't like one service you try another. We shop around and it forces the other to give good service so that they don't lose market share. Same for healthcare. Make a single payer system and you take away options. So funny I was thinking about this on the bowl this morning and then your comment popped in for me to address this. ;p

Angry said...

I'm from the same country as Mum-me, and it's news to me that the government is our internet provider... I spent a lot of time shopping around for the most suitable deal for my needs and one organisation that doesn't provide internet services is the government.

What Mum-me is eluding to is that the government wants to set some regulations in place that will raise the mandatory minimum service levels provided by the private enterprises... because being left to market forces, our broadband performance and service levels are among the worst in the world.