"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Poem For Obama's Inaguration


Timeshare Jake said...

So according to Maya, is Obama officially our second black President, or did she remove that honor from Bill Clinton?

Timeshare Jake said...

And why do we consider her a great poet? She's no Frost or Dickinson.

By the way, I think I got my authors confused. It was Toni Morrison that called Bill Clinton the first black President. Carry on.

Chat Blanc said...

I have mixed reactions to that. I think I'll just put it out of my mind for now. ;)

A New Yorker said...

@Clay and Chat - Ummm it's not really from Maya. Go take another look ;p