"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Thursday, December 4, 2008


How To Communicate with an Obot: The **OFFICIAL** English to Obamese Dictionary

InsightAnalytical **Official** English to Obamese Dictionary

English . . . . . Obamese

Bailout . . . . . Rescue

Stimulus package . . . . . Economic Recovery package

Massive Voter Fraud . . . . . Community organizing

Selection . . . . . Election

Coronation . . . . . Inauguration

Assault & battery. . . . . Caucus

Socialist . . . . . Progressive

Terrorist . . . . . Just a guy in my neighborhood

Radical Preacher . . . . . A guy at church I never listened to

Plumber . . . . . Threat to National Security

Violent gang of sanctioned thugs . . . . . Civilian Police Force

Violent gang of sanctioned thugs in Chicago . . . . . Obama for President Committee

Flip Flop . . . . . Smart adjustment to political reality

Preponderance of lies . . . . . A Speech

Union endorsements for opponents . . . . . Special interest endorsements

Union endorsements for Obama . . . . . Support from worker representatives

Spreading the wealth . . . . . Tax cuts for the working class

Rich . . . . . Anyone earning over ??

Washington insiders . . . . . Change

Bill Clinton . . . . . Racist/My staunch supporter

Hillary Clinton. . . . . Likable enough/Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton’s mailing list . . . . . Cash cow

Bill Clinton’s advisors . . . . . Old Style Gov’t./My New Cabinet

Rules . . . . . Old ideas, no longer important

U.S. Constitution . . . . . Floormat (See also Joke)

Palestinians . . . . . Internet campaign workers

Oil barons . . . . . Millions of small donors

Ruthless genocide . . . . . Odinga’s post-election change

Disagreement . . . . . Racism

Questioning. . . . . .Racism

Truth Seeking . . . . . Racism

Patriotism . . . . . Racism

Upholding the Constitution . . . . . Racism

Share . . . . . Take

Messiah . . . . .Obama

facial tic of right eye . . . . . frickin scared out of my mind

throw under the bus ... denounce/disavow

campaign fraud ... $5-$10 Internet donors

random park benches ... voter registration addresses

teleprompter literate ... eloquent

failure to make a decision ... voting present


Ronda's Rants said...

Y'know Lauren...this is mean!
It is time to get over this...

A New Yorker said...

@Rhonda- I don't think it's mean at all. I think it's extremely accuracte and fair. I also do not appreciate being told to get over it. When you feel strongly about something I don't tell you to get over it, do I? No. These are my opinions and views. I know they do not match yours. But they are mine and match at least 48% of those who voted in the last election. So it's rather strange that you'd like me to just stop and get over it rather than let me be who I am and express my thoughts. BTW I share them with this man in the video today.

Ronda's Rants said...

It's Ronda!

A New Yorker said...

...did you even SEE the story about the young girl in the Chicago papers and her experiment?

You have NO IDEA the things I was confronted with simply for my support of a good man.

So I will keep on sharing how I feel about Obama as he continues to move along, good or badly, show others who share my opinions and tell them eloquently. If you or anyone else cannot TOLERATE another opinion that is in oppossion to your own perhaps you should take a good look inside as to why. I have listened and read your things and others who do not agree with me.

Chat Blanc said...

This doesn't strike me as mean. It's a matter of perspective. We're all entitled to independent thinking. Not everyone agrees with Obama's actions and words. I hope, in this country, there will always be the right to disagree.

swilek said...

Re: your comment on my blog...yes, there are loads of Canadians who don't agree with me but they are forgetting this potential coalition involved a party whose soul intention is to separate from Canada...it would have disastrous results...thankfully our Governor General ( the Queen's representative) had the mind to suspend parliament until everyone gets their acts together...this potential new coalition is not even ready to govern...also the leader of the Liberal party said in Sept. he would not be part of a coalition with the other party, NDP..my how things change..ugh...this is crazy esp in light of the situation happening in the world...I'm glad you are interested in our politics too!!:) have a great weekend!! Karyne