"The problem here is a totalitarian uniformity, a cult-like mentality such that even allies are enemies if they fail to follow the Exact Party Line. " - Phyllis Chesler

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It Went Well...I think

I had a nice time. He can talk talk talk which is what I have been begging for. He is smart and knows the most interesting things. The only thing is that I feel a little dull around him. I feel like I need to read more things and be able to bring up more topics to keep him interested. But as far as what I need, he has it! He is cute, smart, respectful, funny, sweet and has soft lips. :-) Yes, I got a very small goodnight kiss on the lips just before he boarded his train. He did ask me about a second date and I said sure! But actions speak louder than words. Let's see if he calls or emails and follows through.


Perplexio said...

Glad to hear it went well. As for seeming dull in his presence there is another way you can spin it (to your advantage) if this progresses/evolves. Tell him, "you're so interesting. You know so much about so many different things... Could you recommend any books/movies?" That shows that you feel engaged by what he has been saying to you and that you're interested in making a conscious effort to bring more to the table intellectually. And who knows he may recommend books or movies you HAVE seen or read and that can open the door to even more conversations. And remember when it comes to discussing ones tastes in literature or film it's not what both of you like or dislike that leads you to learn more about one another, it's WHY you like what each of you like and WHY you dislike the movies/films/actors/whatever you don't care for that will teach you a lot about one another...

A New Yorker said...

Darrin, YOU are so wise! I am going to use that exact phrase. I did say something similar, when he was telling me the interesting stories he knew about. Your phrase is so much more intelligent though. ;-)

By the way, he isn't that much into movies. He reads a lot of scientific magazines. I googled him and found a patent registration under his name. OH BOY!

Perplexio said...

Lauren, I just want you to be successful in your search for Mr. Right. Married life isn't always easy, it isn't always fun... but even when it's at its worst I have no regrets. Even the lowest lows are necessary because they give us the perspective to be able to really enjoy the highest highs and all points in between.

A New Yorker said...

Darrin, ME TOO! :-) I have been complaining about the dates that run like job interviews but also feel I don't know what to talk about. At the very least I am going to learn how to talk about interesting things and get out of job interview hell, with this one! Every person is a teacher. I do hope his lessons are fun :-)